Neaman Medi Spa is one of the top providers of Sculptra injections throughout Salem and the surrounding areas. Sculptra is unlike hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane products, not only in the main ingredient, but also that it doesn’t just add volume, but rather helps your own collagen grow.
Sculptra is one of the longest lasting fillers on the market today. Sculptra is made from synthetic poly-L-lactic acid, a substance produced naturally within the body. In fact, it is so popular due to the time it lasts but also the fact that it actually stimulates collagen growth. It smoothes wrinkles and folds and is particularly good with the deep folds, such as the “marionette lines” running from the nose to the chin. Sculptra provides a significant, but gradual increase in the skin thickness by helping your body build up its own collagen—thus improving the appearance of the folds and sunken areas.