Posted on 15 Mar 2017

With the new year in full swing, many patients are asking how they can look and feel their best and start off 2022 with a more youthful, rejuvenated appearance. One of the most noticeable signs of the aging process is the slow sagging of the facial contours in the midface and jawline. Wrinkles, lines, and creases also begin to obscure the natural radiance of the eyes and smile. No matter how advanced your skincare routine is, a cosmetic treatment can help revitalize your look and take your self-care to the next level. 

The Infini RF and the Exilis Elite represent two leading state-of-the-art solutions for a loss of skin laxity without surgery. They are both ideal for firming the jowls and minimizing drooping in the cheeks. Below, we will explore these cutting-edge options and see how they can benefit you in your quest to make 2022 a year of transformation and renewal.


Infini RF is a handheld device that passes microneedles across the skin. The needles deliver potent radiofrequency energy to multiple layers of skin, firming sagging contours and reducing wrinkles, lines, and folds. The dynamic combination of RF energy and microneedling helps boost the body’s natural production of collagen and elastin, proteins that ensure a firm, supple, and youthful complexion.

In addition to fighting the signs of aging, Infini can help improve the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks, making it among the most versatile skin-tightening devices currently available.


Most practitioners recommend a series of 3 sessions with Infini to achieve comprehensive changes, but the treatment can be personalized to meet your individual goals. Some patients will see the results they desire after only one appointment. 

For those concerned about discomfort, Infini can be performed with a local anesthetic that helps numb the skin and keep you comfortable throughout the treatment. 

After Infini, you will see some improvements right away, but the bulk of your results will occur over time as your stores of collagen are replenished. Full results are typically visible within 6 weeks. While the treatment comes with far less downtime than cosmetic surgery, you may experience some minor side effects such as swelling and redness for 2-3 days.


The Exilis Elite is a groundbreaking skin-tightening treatment that, like the Infini, works to restore peak collagen levels. It combines the power of radiofrequency waves and ultrasound energy to smooth the jawline, neck, and face, reaching the deeper layers of the skin. Additionally, the Exilis Elite is FDA-approved for fat reduction and body contouring.


Treatment takes just 30 minutes, making the Exilis Elite ideal for busy, active clients who want to be in and out of the office. Radiofrequency and ultrasound energies are delivered through a handheld device that disrupts fatty tissue and flushes fat cells out of the body. Through controlled heating and a built-in cooling system, the Exilis Elite effects significant skin tightening, rolling back the hands of time.

Practitioners recommend around 4-6 treatments. Many clients will experience marked improvements after just 2 sessions, however, depending on their goals and their skin quality.  The Exilis Elite comes with no downtime, so patients can expect to get right back to work, school, or play. Mild redness akin to a sunburn will be present for just a few hours after your session. 


With so many new, exciting options for rejuvenation, 2022 could be the year that you take action to jumpstart your rejuvenated look! Whether you are concerned about excess submental fat, drooping jowls, wrinkles and lines, or a slowly wilting jawline, the Infini RF and the Exilis Elite are effective solutions that can help you to regain a sense of confidence in how you look.

What’s more, they are both ideal for patients who want to spend their time thriving and enjoying life instead of worrying about downtime from a more invasive procedure.

Dr. Keith Neaman

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at Neaman Plastic Surgery | Learn More

Dr. Neaman is a board-certified plastic surgeon that specializes in surgical body contouring. He prides himself on being on the cutting edge of plastic surgery. He takes an informative approach to each consultation, and through open dialogue and communication, he helps his patients decide on a treatment plan that meets their needs.

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