Posted on 31 Oct 2017

We all have a different name for it, and most of us have the “lower ab flab,” the “spare tire,” the “ muffin top”- and more than likely most of us are also thinking about a tummy tuck or liposuction. That’s because most times no amount of dieting or exercise is going to take off that unsightly flab below the abs.

This explains why the rise in tummy tuck proceduresmommy makeovers, and liposuction is on a steady rise. Women have come to realize that it’s nothing to be ashamed of, the “pouch” is pretty standard for all women, and they are looking for a way to rid themselves of it once and for all. Enter: the tummy tuck.

Tummy Tuck And Liposuction

While liposuction and a tummy tuck are both amazing procedures on their own, quite a few patients choose to have them together. Depending on the results you desire, you and your surgeon may want to use both procedures. Liposuction is a great tool for sculpting and shaping while a tummy tuck can tighten skin and muscle.

Mommy Makeovers

Going a step further would be a combination of surgical procedures that are commonly referred to as a mommy makeover.

The mommy makeover includes a variety of procedures depending on what the overall outcome is that is desired. Liposuction, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, labiaplasty, and more. Those of us that have given birth know that our bodies definitely change with each pregnancy – sometimes a little and sometimes a lot, but yes, they all change.

Perhaps a tummy tuck and/or liposuction is something you’ve been pondering. You may even be considering going with the mommy makeover. Whatever your decision may be, make sure it is made along with a skilled and experienced, board certified plastic surgeon.

Schedule A Consultation with Salem Plastic Surgeon Dr. Keith Neaman

Dr. Keith Neaman is a well-renowned plastic surgeon practicing in the Salem area. He and his staff of highly trained medical professionals will guide you through any and all of your questions and concerns. Call Dr. Neaman at (844) 338-8445 to schedule your private consultation.

Dr. Keith Neaman

Board Certified Plastic Surgeon at Neaman Plastic Surgery | Learn More

Dr. Neaman is a board-certified plastic surgeon that specializes in surgical body contouring. He prides himself on being on the cutting edge of plastic surgery. He takes an informative approach to each consultation, and through open dialogue and communication, he helps his patients decide on a treatment plan that meets their needs.

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